RIMMSA executes all its manufacturing and field works in accordance with the ASME code, and a management system certified ISO 9001 & 45001, having the following certifications:

  • 36378 “S” Manufacture and assembly of power boilers
  • 36379 “U” Manufacture of Pressure vessels
  • 44710 “H” Heating boilers except cast iron and cast aluminum
  • 7053 “R” Repairs and alterations (NBIC)
  • 56719 “PP” Fabrication and assembly of pressure piping
  • 7053 “NB” Designators ASME H, PP, S and U
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management system
  • 756117 Supplier certificate (LAPEM)